"Grief never ends
But it changes,
It's a passage
Not a place to stay...
The sense of loss
Must give way
If we're to value
The life that was lived...
Grief is not a sign of weakness
Nor lack of faith,
It is the price of LOVE."

~To My Brother Kenny, I Love You~
Written/Copyright 8~7~00
By Eileen Elizabeth Bowen Keogh
What Can I Do
But Make My Life A Tribute To You...
~In The Meantime~
Someday I will go to you,
And I know that you'll be waiting.
With me through crisis strong and true,
And with me celebrating.
I don't know just when it will be;
In the daytime or at night.
In which month life's doors will close on me,
When I will walk into the light.
I only know that when I go
To join you where you are,
My soul will sing,
My heart will grow,
To be with You in the stars.
In the meantime I will pray
That your being is filled with light.
That joy and blessings fill your days,
That peace gives you rest through the nights.
That you can spend time with those still here,
Yet return to your place so fair,
To be with those who you hold dear,
Who waited for you there.
I'll seize hold of my days that remain,
And make them worth my breath.
I will try not to dwell in despair and pain,
Or bring on my own death.
I will try to be what you want me to be,
I will be who I am.
I will try to appreciate those still with me,
And be as kind as I can.
I will try to avoid the mistakes I've made,
By learning, By looking, By seeing.
I will try not to always be afraid,
And be fair to all sentient beings.
I'll do all I can to show You my love,
To make You proud of me.
And to let you know that though you are far above,
You're in my heart, and always will be.
I Love You Kenny.

"The depth of my grief is a constant with the breadth of my love...
I would never sacrifice one to avoid the pain of the other"
Thank You for visiting and sharing Kenny's 30th Birthday In Heaven,
Please leave a message in our Guest book To Let Us Know You Were Here
"I dare not say in what state of mind I am;
I love the Boy with the utmost love to which my soul is capable,
And He Was Taken From Me...
Yet in the agony of my spirit,
in surrendering such a treasure,
I Feel A Thousand Time Richer,
Than If I Never Possessed It.
William Wordsworth
Click on the "Remembered By Us" Banner To Light A Candle For Kenny's Birthday :) Thank You

Dear Kenny,
I still can't believe your not here with me:( I Miss You So Much!!! And I Do "Love You Even More Then I Did B4" I wish I could spent your 30th birthday right by your side,Touch You and Kiss you 30 Times My Son...Please continue to watch ove Logan & Buffy (and me to) ... The words Happy Birthday In Heaven is (an oxtmoron?) sp wierd to say BUT Maybe Birthdays Are Better In Heaven...
I Hope Everyone We Love Will Be With You Not Only On Your birthday BUT ALWAYS & FOREVER.
And I'll Love & Miss You ALWAYS & FOREVER My Son My Angel (You Were Always My Son My Angel) You Always Made Me Smile Kenny,Now I Hurt Missing You So Much...I Hope I'm With You B4 Your Next Birthday Hon (really I hope I'm withYOU b4 your "anniversary" this coming August.
Blessings To You My Sweet Son , I'm So Sorry For EVER Hurting You Ken,I Hope You Know How Very Much I Love You From The Moment You Were Born.
Love You Always,

Dear Kenny,
Was It Only Yesterday, I Last Saw And Touched Your Face?
Or Heard Your Voice , Or Your Laughter My Ears Did Grace?
Time Can Play Such Tricks, Here Then Gone.
With This Empty Void I Try To Go On.
Life Is Such A Fragile Thing,
We Sometimes Take For
Granted, Then That Someone Is Gone,
And Time Can't Be Recanted.
If I Could Change Today and Go Back In Time,
I Would Hold You Closer And Try To Capture Every Moment,
And I'de Thank God Everyday That You Were Mine...
But It Is Not To Be. I Had To Let You Go.
In Each Breath I Take I Remember,
And Oh How My Heart Aches So.
But One Day In The Future, Together We Will Be,
And Your Sweet Smile Forever I Will See.
So Wait For Me My Child, Just For A Little While,
And One Day We'll Be Together,
Then God Will Give Me Back My Smile...
Your Mom 4ever
Thank You So Much Susie ^Jason's^ Mom, This Is Perfect,
I Love It.
Thank You Saralyn,^Robbie's^ Mom,This is so Beautiful.