Click on the gold Stars to name a Star after someone you love...
I also named stars for my Daughter & Grandson
"August Moon"
The August sun is beaming down,
It keenly seems to say,
Enjoy my warm rays while you can
before they slip away...
Splendid is a leisurely stroll
on a dog day afternoon,
Star studded is the evening sky,
Beneath an August moon...
Nature at it's finest,
Summer has reached it's peak,
It is time to store sweet memories,
As autumn skies turn bleak...
Oh August moon so fair and true,
One thing that I must know,
Why must you take the summer sun
and roses when you go?
Thank You Marilyn

The reason I chose this song ("Crying") is because after that terrible night my nephew Danny came to get me, We wondered "What time did Danny get me" and for some reason Time became an issue for me...
I remembered that before Danny got to my house I was taping the Roy Orbison special and when Danny was talking to me in my doorway telling me to go with him Danny said "It's Kenny Aunt Cathy, Something is wrong with Kenny, Kenny got hit by a car!!!"I asked Danny (for some reason) "Did Kenny hurt his leg? He hurt his leg right Danny?" I said, My poor nephew just couldn't tell me what he already knew, but as I went back into my bedroom (I don't remember WHY I went into my bedroom, I think I was really hoping I could somehow rewind time because I knew in my heart (and head) something was Very Bad and Very Wrong).
Anyway, this song "Crying" was playing on the TV... While it was still playing on my TV,It started when Danny got there and it was almost over as I ran back out of my bedroom and we ran out of the house and to my nephew Danny's car.
As we later wondered What Time did Danny come to my house,I put the tape on rewind to the beginning, looked at the clock and just let it play until this song ("Crying") came on the tape then we knew what time Danny got to my house by knowing how many minutes from the beginning of the show it took for this song to come on (the show started @ 11:pm) ...
I remember hearing alot of sirens police,fire and ambulance, that started at around 11:pm and continued for about (what seemed like)15 or 20 minute...I even stopped cleaning and listened to the sirens and once again started praying to "PLEASE KEEP MY KIDS SAFE, BRING THEM BOTH HOME TO ME...Please Watch Over My Children" I Prayed in such a panic...Shortly after that my nephew Came to my door...
And the nightmare of never seeing ^Kenny's^ smile or touching Ken, kissing,or hearing ^Kenny's^ laughter and his voice continues...

PLEASE CLICK below to read about
What Happened That Night
(And Kenny's Last Day & Night Here)
Saturday,August 7th 1999
Click Link Below
Angel Winks Heavenly Post Card Shop...
Beautiful E Post Cards,Visit By Clicking <HERE>
Thank You Saralyn ^Robbie's^ Mom
This Gift Is Beautiful.
This is one of my Favorite Pictures of ^Kenny^...
It's been 9 long years since
you went away,
Oh but the endless tears are
still with me today!
A mother will never forget her child
comforted at her breast,
Memories made since the day they met,
Oh wasn't your smile the very best?
I never dreamed I'd lose you,
Never imagined you'd go away...
But God and dear friends
help me through,
Because they know how much
I still Miss You...
even today.
written/copyright on
August 8th 2008 by
Kaye DesOrmeaux
Dedicated to Cathy and My Mom
In Loving Memory of
Kenny and Linda
(Cathy's Son & My Sister)
Kenny August 7th 1999
Linda August 13th 1999.
Thank You Dear Kaye
for writing and sharing this poem with two people WE dearly love and miss.
Thank You For Visting My Son Kenny's Anniversary Pages
Love, Cathy
^Kenny^ Buffy's Mom
When those we love go away,
They never really leave us;
They are with us now,
Wherever we are.
Those whom we have cherished,
Live on forever,
for love wraps itself
around the heart...
Although it's difficult now,
Someday beyond our tears and
all the worlds wrongs;
Beyond the clouds and all that
we can see and touch;
We Shall Understand...
author unknown
Thank You Dear Tahira
for sending these
Beautiful Heartfelt Words
to me...
Please ^Stop By^ (above) To Light A Candle In Memory Of Kenny