These tears I've cried.
I've cried a thousand oceans.
And if it seems I'm floating in the darkness
Well, I can't believe that
I would keep,
Keep you from flying;
And I would cry a thousand more
If that's what it takes to
sail you home,
Sail you home.
Sail you home.
I'm aware what the rules are.
But you know that I will run.
You know that I will follow you
Over Silbury Hill,
Through the solar field.
You know that I will follow you.
And if I find you
Will you still remember
playing at trains,
Or does this little blue ball
just fade away?
Over Silbury Hill,
Through the solar field,
You know that I will follow you.
I'm aware what the rules are,
But you know that I will run.
You know that I will follow you.
These tears I've cried.
I've cried a thousand oceans.
And if it seems I'm floating
in the darkness
Well, I can't believe that
I would keep,
Keep you from flying.
So I will cry a thousand more
If that's what it takes
to sail you home,
Sail you home,
Sail you home.
Tori Amos
The Little Ship
I stood watching as the little ship sailed out to sea. The setting sun tinted his white sails with a golden light, and as he disappeared from sight a voice at my side whispered, "He is gone".
But the sea was a narrow one. On the farther shore a little band of friends had gathered to watch and wait in happy expectation. Suddenly they caught sight of the tiny sail and, at the very moment when my companion had whispered, "He is gone" a glad shout went up in joyous welcome,
"Here he comes!"
~To My Brother Kenny, I Love You~
What Can I Do
But Make My Life A Tribute To You...
~In The Meantime~
Someday I will go to you,
And I know that you'll be waiting.
With me through crisis
strong and true,
And with me celebrating.
I don't know just when it will be;
In the daytime or at night.
In which month life's doors
will close on me,
When I will walk into the light.
I only know that when I go
To join you where you are,
My soul will sing,
My heart will grow,
To be with You in the stars.
In the meantime I will pray
That your being is filled with light.
That joy and blessings fill your days,
That peace gives you rest
through the nights.
That you can spend time
with those still here,
Yet return to your place so fair,
To be with those who you hold dear,
Who waited for you there.
I'll seize hold of my days that remain,
And make them worth my breath.
I will try not to dwell in
despair and pain,
Or bring on my own death.
I will try to be what you want me to be,
I will be who I am.
I will try to appreciate
those still with me,
And be as kind as I can.
I will try to avoid the mistakes
I've made,
By learning, By looking, By seeing.
I will try not to always be afraid,
And be fair to all sentient beings.
I'll do all I can to show You my love,
To make You proud of me.
And to let you know,
that though you are far above,
You're in my heart,
and always will be.
I Love You Kenny.

My Brother ^Kenny^ 10 Years In Heaven
"Never in a million years could I forget you,
Never in a million years would I try,
Never in a million lives could we be parted,
Love like life never dies".
Stephanie Kirkham