Gentle snowflakes touch my face
As a tear trails down my cheek,
Among crowds and glistening tinsle
Your face, I once more seek...
Another year has come to pass
With not one glimps of you,
Except in dreams,
You visit me in shades of blue...
Christmas time is here again
and I long to once again
See Your Face,
To see Your smile and
feel Your embrace...
Christmas time is boxed up
in tones of purple hue,
It's wrapped in
Misty Memories
And laced with thoughts of
Kenny with Me (his Mom) & his sister Buffy

Christmas time was one of Kennys favorite
times of the year...
Buffy (Kennys sister) & Kenny would go walking all around our area looking at the decorations on the houses and when they came home we would have hot chocolate together...
He also Liked helping to "Fix Up" our house and decorate the tree and windows.We would open our gifts Christmas morning BUT on Christmas Eve we would each open
1 gift...
When he was very little he loved to visit Santa Clause,But he would never tell Santa what he wanted,
I asked him why when he was 4 years old and he said
"Because Santa Knows Everything".
Well Here it is 9 Christmas's without Kenny being here with us (I can't believe 9 Christmas's have passed without Ken),I'm sure his spirit is with us...
But Oh how I wish I could HOLD him in my arms again,
As most of us wish...
I want to tell other parents who have lost a child and are just starting this horrible grief that as time goes by,
all those memories that can still make you cry will someday be the light that shines through for you,
even though the tears still fall
(and you will never know at what
moment the tears may fall) and the pain still comes,
you WILL be thankful for all the
wonderful moments of memories,
no matter how brief those moments were.
Kenny was alot of fun at Christmas
(and all year through)He really got into the
"spirit of things" as did his sister...
I know that as Christmas comes closer Kenny would be right here playing with his nephew Logan,and on Christmas eve as we open 1 Gift Kenny would help Logan
"Pick A Good One To Open"...
I wish You All,
Who Stepped Into My Son Kennys Christmas Page,
A Blessed and Beautiful Christmas That is Filled With Wonderful Memories..Thank You For Stopping By...
Love, Cathy ^Kenny & Buffys Mom

Please Sign Our Guest Book So We Know You Visited ^Kenny^ This Christmas, Thank You
"Misty Christmas Memories"
This page was lovingly updated: August 8, 2011
On the second Sunday of Dec. @7:00pm
Light One Candle In Memory Of
All Children In Heaven.
Please click on the Plaque above
(Or the opening Header) to go to ^RobbiesSmiths^ Site
Thank You So Much((((((Saralyn))))))
For This AND The Opening Picture at the top of this page
Thank You Judy ^Heidi's^ Mom...
Click above to go to ^Heidi's Site
Thank You Lynn ^Ken's^ Mom...Click above to go to ^Ken's^ site
Thank You (((((Susie))))) ^Jason's^ Mom For So Many Gifts
Including this Beautiful background for ^Kennys^ Christmas Page
Thank You (((Rosemary))) ^Tony's Mom
Thank You Angel Winks...
Click Above To Go To AngelWinks Post Card Shop
Thank You Maria,Christopher's Mom,
these are so Beautiful...
Click Either One To Visit Christopher
Thank You So Much Sueanne ^Lee's^ Mom
Thank You (((Jill))) Katie's Mom
Thank You so much (((((Pat))))) for sharing ^Kevin & Kurt^
Click to go to ^Kurt & Kevins^ Site...
Dear Kenny,
I just want to Thank You for all the treasured memories you gave us,The laughter and the tears were such a wonderful gift to us all...
At this time of year when we gather close to all those we love I want you to know that we will all hold you dearly to our hearts and NEVER Forget YOU...
You will forever be a precious part of our lives
Love Never Dies &
We Love You So Much,