Don't weep at my grave,
For I am not there,
I've a date with a butterfly
To dance in the air.
I'll be singing in the sunshine,
Wild and free,
Playing tag with the wind,
While I'm waiting for thee.
To the living, I am gone,
To the sorrowful, I will never return,
To the angry, I was cheated,
But to the happy, I am at peace,
And to the faithful, I have never left.
I cannot speak, but I can listen.
I cannot be seen, but I can be heard.
So as you stand upon a shore gazing at a beautiful sea--
As you look upon a flower and admire it's simplicity--
Remember Me.
Remember me in your heart.
Your thoughts, and your memories,
Of the times we loved,
The times we cried,
The times we fought,
The times we laughed.
For if you always think of me,
I will never have gone.

A Picture Of You
I only have a picture now,
A frozen piece of time,
To remind me of how it was,
When you were here, and mine.
I see your smiling eyes,
Each morning when I wake,
I talk to you, and place a kiss,
Upon your lovely face.
How much I miss you being here,
I really can not say,
The ache is deep inside my heart,
And never goes away.
I hear it mentioned often,
That time will heal the pain,
But if I'm being honest,
I hope it will remain.
I need to feel you constantly,
To get me through the day,
I loved you so very much,
Why did you go away?
The angels came and took you,
That really wasn't fair,
They took my one and only Son,
My future life. My heir.
If only they had asked me,
If I would take your place,
I would have done so willingly,
Leaving you this world to grace.
You should have had so many years,
To watch your life unfold,
And in the mist of this,
Watch me, your Mom grow old!
I hope your watching from above,
At the daily tasks I do,
And let there be no doubt at all,
I really do love you.

Over Mountains, Over Trees
Over Oceans, Over Seas ,
Across The Desert
I'll be there
In a whisper on the wind
On the smile of a new friend
Just think of me
And I'll be there
Don't be afraid, oh my love
I'll be watching you from above
And I'd give all the world tonight,
To be with you
Because I'm on your side,
And I still care
I may have died,
But I've gone nowhere
Just think of me,
And I'll be there
On the edge of a waking dream
Over Rivers
Over Streams
Through Wind and Rain
I'll be there
Across the wide and open sky
Thousands of miles I'd fly
To be with you
I'll be there
Don't be afraid, oh my love
I'll be watching you from above
And I'd give all the world tonight,
To be with you
Because I'm on your side,
And I still care
I may have died,
But I've gone nowhere
Just think of me,
And I'll be there
In the breath of a wind that sighs
Oh, there's no need to cry
Just think of me,
And I'll be there

12 years in Heaven Kenny, I can't believe it.
Wasn't it just yesterday you were here?
We Miss you so much Ken, We all Love You Kenny...Tell Nanny she is right I have learned to live with It, But it's so hard and I still cry but I'm still here...
And I'm Still trying to learn...
I'll Love You Forever Kenny, And Miss You Till I See You Again.
Kenneth Joseph Bowen Keogh
Go to Sindy's Creations for Beautiful Background Sets...
Click Above to go there
Kenny came from
Heaven on
January 23,1982
@12:52 am
Kenny went back to Heaven on
August 7, 1999
Thank You So Much Susie, This is Beautiful
Thank You So Much Saralyn, This is Lovely